Cambush Blog

A step by step guide showing you how to update the firmware on your Cambush Cube.

The long awaited app is finally here and available to download from the App Store and Google Play Store. Designed to work with The latest Gen 3 Cambush Cubes, it gives you full control of all the settings and features...
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Transmitted in the UK on Tuesday 27th February, The One Show features @danowild searching for wild boar in the Forest of Dean using the Cambush Cube.
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You need to decide how long you want your camera trap to record for. On the 4K Cambush Cube, you can set the shot duration anywhere between 10 seconds and 12 minutes. This easy 'how to...' video guide will walk...
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The Cambush Cube 4K camera trap has a built-in clock.
Its important to set this to your local time if you want to use the innovative 'Recording Windows' feature.
Here's how to do it!
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